Group photograph of public service officers attending a course with the Integrated Institute of Professional Management
Group photograph of public service officers attending a course with the Integrated Institute of Professional Management

In today’s dynamic and complex world, effective leadership is essential for the growth and development of any organization or society. Leaders are responsible for driving change, making decisions, and setting the tone for the culture and values of their organizations. To be effective, leaders need to have a range of competencies, including technical knowledge, strategic thinking, and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence (EI) has been shown to be a critical factor in leadership effectiveness, especially in the public sector, where leaders are responsible for serving the needs of the citizens they represent. In our interface with over 25 government organizations in Nigeria, we identified that the Nigerian government has recognized the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership and has taken steps to promote its development among public sector leaders. However, there is still much work to be done to embed emotional intelligence in the culture and values of the public sector in Nigeria. In this article, we will explore the role of emotional intelligence in leadership in the Nigerian public sector, using case studies to illustrate its impact.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.  It involves a range of competencies, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. The concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced by Peter Salovey and John Mayer in 1990, and was later popularized by Daniel Goleman in his book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” (1995).

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important in Leadership?

The public service sector is made up of different levels of leadership ranging from senior management to middle and junior management. We also have the executive leadership like the Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Director-Generals, Commissioners and Managing Directors/Chief Executive Officers that oversee most of the operations in public service. Whichever level one might occupy, leaders who possess high levels of emotional intelligence are better equipped to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of those around them. This enables them to build strong relationships, communicate effectively, and make sound decisions. In addition, leaders with high emotional intelligence are more adaptable, resilient, and able to navigate complex and challenging situations.

In the public sector, emotional intelligence is particularly important because leaders are responsible for serving the needs of citizens, who are often emotionally invested in the outcomes of government decisions. Leaders who can understand and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, are better equipped to build trust and credibility with citizens, and to make decisions that are in the best interests of the public.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership in the Nigerian Public Sector, Using Case Studies to Illustrate Its Impact.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a critical factor in leadership effectiveness, particularly in the Nigerian public sector, where leaders are responsible for serving the needs of citizens. EI refers to the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

In the Nigerian public sector, leaders must navigate complex challenges and diverse stakeholder interests, including citizens, government officials, and other organizations. Effective leaders must be able to build strong relationships with stakeholders, communicate effectively, and manage emotions in difficult situations.

Here are some key roles of emotional intelligence in leadership in the Nigerian public sector:

  1. Building relationships: Effective leadership in the Nigerian public sector requires building strong relationships with diverse stakeholders. Leaders must be able to understand the perspectives and needs of others and build trust and rapport with them. EI plays a critical role in this process, as leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to connect with others, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.
  2. Communication: Communication is a critical component of leadership in the Nigerian public sector. Leaders must be able to communicate effectively with diverse stakeholders, including citizens, government officials, and other organizations. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to understand the emotional context of communication and adapt their messages accordingly. This allows them to communicate effectively with different stakeholders and build strong relationships based on trust and mutual understanding.  
  3. Decision-making: Effective decision-making is a critical component of leadership in the Nigerian public sector. Leaders must be able to make tough decisions that serve the best interests of citizens and the government. EI plays a key role in this process, as leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to manage their emotions and make decisions that are rational and objective, rather than being influenced by their emotions.
  4. Managing conflict: Conflict is inevitable in any organization, including the Nigerian public sector. Leaders must be able to manage conflict effectively, while maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to manage conflict, as they are able to manage their own emotions and understand the emotions of others. This allows them to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner, rather than allowing them to escalate into destructive conflicts.
  5. Service delivery: Effective leadership in the Nigerian public sector requires a focus on service delivery. Leaders must be able to understand the needs and concerns of citizens and deliver services that meet their expectations. Leaders who are emotionally intelligent are better able to understand the emotional context of service delivery and respond to citizens’ needs in a compassionate and empathetic manner. This helps to build trust and confidence in the government, which is critical for effective service delivery.

Relevant Case Studies

Case Study 1: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership at the Nigerian Immigration Service

“The Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) is responsible for managing the entry and exit of people into and out of Nigeria.” The agency is responsible for issuing passports, visas, and other travel documents, as well as enforcing immigration laws and regulations.

In 2017, the NIS launched a program to develop emotional intelligence in its senior leaders. The program was designed to help leaders develop their emotional intelligence competencies, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills.

The program included a range of activities, including workshops, coaching, and mentoring. Participants were also given the opportunity to practice their emotional intelligence skills in real-world situations, through role-playing exercises and simulations.

The program was well-received by participants, who reported that it had helped them to become more self-aware and better able to manage their emotions in difficult situations. They also reported that the program had improved their ability to communicate effectively with colleagues and stakeholders, and to build strong relationships with their teams.

One of the key outcomes of the program was an improvement in the NIS’s service delivery. Leaders who had participated in the program were better able to understand the needs and concerns of citizens, and to respond to them in a compassionate and empathetic manner. This helped to build trust and confidence in the NIS among the public, and to improve the agency’s reputation.

Case Study 2: Emotional Intelligence in Leadership at the Lagos State Government

Lagos State is one of the 36 states in Nigeria, with a population of over 20 million people. The Lagos State Government has been at the forefront of efforts to promote emotional intelligence in leadership in the Nigerian public sector.

In 2015, the Lagos State Government launched a program to develop emotional intelligence in its senior leaders. The program was designed to help leaders develop their emotional intelligence competencies, and to apply them in their roles as public servants.

The program included a range of activities, including workshops, coaching, and mentoring. Participants were also given the opportunity to practice their emotional intelligence skills in real-world situations, through role-playing exercises and simulations.

The program had a significant impact on the leadership culture of the Lagos State Government. Leaders who participated in the program were better able to communicate effectively with citizens, and to build strong relationships with their teams. They were also more responsive to the needs and concerns of citizens, and more effective in delivering public services.

One of the key outcomes of the program was an improvement in the perception of the Lagos State Government among citizens. The government was seen as more compassionate, empathetic, and responsive to the needs of citizens. This helped to build trust and confidence in the government, and to improve its reputation.


Emotional intelligence remains a critical factor in leadership effectiveness, particularly in the public sector, where leaders are responsible for serving the needs of citizens. The case studies presented in this article illustrate the impact of emotional intelligence in leadership in the Nigerian public sector and highlight the importance of developing emotional intelligence competencies among public sector leaders.

To ensure that emotional intelligence is fully integrated into the leadership culture of the Nigerian public sector, it is important to provide ongoing training and support to leaders at all levels of government. This includes developing emotional intelligence competencies in new recruits, as well as providing ongoing training and development opportunities for existing leaders.

By developing emotional intelligence in its public sector leaders, Nigeria can improve the effectiveness of its public service delivery, build trust and confidence among citizens, and strengthen its reputation as a responsible and responsive government.

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  • Eburuche Banito

    Management Consultant and Trainer Eburuche Banito is a multi-faceted professional with key competencies in management, business, entrepreneurship and leadership development. He is a high-performance management consultant, trainer and business strategist with unequaled leadership and communication skills. He has excellent skills and working experience in marketing, organizational design and development, behavior modeling, customer relations, strategic management, operations management, occupational health and safety, and executive leadership development. He specializes in helping businesses develop thriving business strategies and capacity development to meet up with the pace of change in the present-day economy while coaching and mentoring career persons and start-up entrepreneurs. He has worked in the FMCG, engineering, consulting and telecommunication industries. In a sentence, he is a high-performance consultant, value-driven trainer, prolific writer and transformational speaker. He is currently the Executive Director of the Integrated Institute of Professional Management. Follow me: linkedin | facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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By Eburuche Banito

Management Consultant and Trainer Eburuche Banito is a multi-faceted professional with key competencies in management, business, entrepreneurship and leadership development. He is a high-performance management consultant, trainer and business strategist with unequaled leadership and communication skills. He has excellent skills and working experience in marketing, organizational design and development, behavior modeling, customer relations, strategic management, operations management, occupational health and safety, and executive leadership development. He specializes in helping businesses develop thriving business strategies and capacity development to meet up with the pace of change in the present-day economy while coaching and mentoring career persons and start-up entrepreneurs. He has worked in the FMCG, engineering, consulting and telecommunication industries. In a sentence, he is a high-performance consultant, value-driven trainer, prolific writer and transformational speaker. He is currently the Executive Director of the Integrated Institute of Professional Management. Follow me: linkedin | facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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